Codes of Conduct – One Club Rule – T&C’s


Bondi Boardriders members have been following a Code of Conduct since the inception of our club as follows:

  • We respect the decisions made by our Surfing NSW Judges and BBR Contest Directors.
  • We accept that in the very rare event that a competitor receives a strike, suspension from competition may occur.
  • When we compete in and for the Bondi Boardriders we are ambassadors for the club.
  • When we wear Bondi Boardriders merchandise or branding on our vehicles, we remain ambassadors for the club.
  • We take our advice from the Bondi Boardriders Committee, BBR Contest Directors and Surfing NSW Judges.
  • We acknowledge that the BBR Contest Director has the final say.
  • We will not free surf in the contest area on competition days. We respect and acknowledge that the Bondi Boardriders Club has provided a safe contest environment for our members through a Water Safety Initiative and that Lifeguards on jet skis clear our contest area from free surfers; minimising the risk of surfer collision.
  • We respect our environment, the ocean, each other and and keep The Hill clean and free of alcohol and smoking.


  • We acknowledge and respect that in matters of competition and surfing they take advice from Bondi Boardriders personnel only.
  • We will not accompany our children in the surf during the competition – surfers should be with their Bondi Boardriders seniors and surfing development coaches during course of competition.
  • We will not be in the competition area which is 20 metres from the shoreline (with the exception of having a designated  work role).
  • We will support our children by looking after their clothes and equipment and providing positive comments (feedback from several BBR members has been that criticism of any of our surfer’s performances from parents, bystanders and other club members is not positive support and is not conducive to improved performance).
  • We respect the final decisions made by  Surfing NSW Judges and BBR Contest Directors.
