BBR Newsletter by Ian wallace
6.00am Sunday June 2nd. As the plane circled above Sydney’s airways for the 5th time I could see the South East swell filtering into all the nooks and crannies that make up the city beaches. Standing out above all, our little patch of South Bondi was easily recognisable with the BBR tents gracing the hill. The decision to drop everything to chase a swell in Indo with fellow Boardriders Christian Berresa and Mick Marganovic the week prior had taken its toll and as I limped my way threw customs I knew surfing in the comp was probably not going to happen thanks to an infected reef cut and stuffed ankle.
Upon arriving at the comp site on the Hill and not having slept for a day or so the waves looked fun and the groms were going hard at it. The Jet Ski was clearing the line up and the kids were flaring. As I said my hello’s to the boys it was great to see in the judge’s seat ex ASP top 44 surfer Drew Courtney and his father Phil. Not to many board riding clubs can boast having professional accredited judges, but to have the likes of these two legends presiding over our heats was a blessing and they did not skip a beat all day.
Once again in the Micro’s Grayson was hard to miss with his surfing style well beyond his years with Zohar a very close second. It was nice to see the parents really taking an interest in their kids surfing especially knowing they are being watched over by the best judges money can buy.(or at least that we can afford). We have some exiting plans for developing our grommets to the next level and all will be revealed soon.
Pete Kavanaugh in the cadets surfed his final like he was free surfing, with big committed turns he got the nod over Isaac Kreme who surfing very well. In the juniors Tom Lorkin and Sam Anner were the top two with Tom getting the final nod. Both these divisions are so interesting to watch as they seem to be improving not just every comp but by the week. I will be very surprised if there are not at least a few potential future ASP world tour surfers in this bunch.
The girls saw a return to form from media magnate Frankie Lewis who studied the previous month’s footage with micro-scopic detail. Her team of sports scientists, coaches and media trainers proved that hard work, dedication and a TV commercial can really turn a year around; we eagerly await her soon to be released documentary and 12 page Surfing Life feature. Her second placing has set her in good stead for another crack at the title but she must overcome young gun Lara Damelian who was the standout of the day and came in first. Everyone’s favorite Frechie Diane Cherrier came in a well deserved third and Lian Ellison (personally trained by Cisco) forth and bringing home in 5th these Bondi bombshells is the best needle welding acupuncturist in Bondi Sally Charles. With all jokes aside the girls are a great division, they seem to display a fantastic sense of sportsmanship and are very encouraging of each other and always offer to help out. Good on you girls!
The Masters saw life time local and ex TV star Luke Dyer taking out the division. He surfed on point all day and it was a very well deserved win. He had to overcome Ray Vuko, who looked tired by the final after trying to give out to many Ray hugs (and failing) earlier in the day. No, Ray surfed very well and has apparently already sent the trophy engraver the full spelling of his last name. John Mossdale was surfing well all day but seemed to have peeked in the semi’s, I dare say John will contending the trophy as will Jason Burland who came in forth and well below his normal domination of this division as seen in years past. But like all good fighters (and I can assure you JB is) they love a good comeback story and not even Tom Waterhouse is willing to put a bet on this division. Christian Berresa also surfed well and after a week of Indo barrels adjusted well to the right rip bowl just missing out on a finals berth. Eamon to was also ripping; I am not sure how he did not make the finals but his cutbacks have to be some of the best going around. I can not wait to see all these guys going toe to toe in the next event.
The Grand Masters saw the eternally youthful JJ Botella peak at the right time, the goofy footer showed that age has not slowed him down one bit in or out the water. In second place and a finding new territory in a final was our own Numbers man John Adams, John was on his $50,000 carbon fiber, jet propelled black beauty surf board and he put it through its paces, along with his NASA designed wetsuit and infa-red surf goggles he was always going to prove a tough competitor. All his gear was checked after the heat by surfing NSW and it came up clean. When interviewed after the heat, and once his tears of satisfaction had cleared he paid homage to his personal hyperbaric chamber which has seen more injuries than the QLD state of origin camp. Tim Ellis came in third and was last seen heading up Oxford Street to Q bar to celebrate, no one had the heart to tell him that it had been shut for 10 years but I am sure he found a great night anyway. Tim is a charger and all around great guy and following Tim was everybody’s favorite Bondi Greek Tony Spanos. Tony is a class act in and out of the water, even in Indo during the week we heard he was apprehending villains stealing stuff from cars back in Bondi. It’s really all in a days work for the one time ex Nascar driver/ Playboy dating legend. Not enough kind words can be said about Tony. He has put so much time, money and effort into the club over the years and it’s great to see him still making finals. We hope he never goes back to Greece.
The opens saw favorite Perth Standlick unable to compete due to a drinking…opp’s sorry and ankle injury. (Jokes Perth in now ranked 16th on the world qualifying tour and hates to party). And it might have been just as well as the new kid on the block Teale Vanner was putting on a clinic in the final and took it out. Another glaring omission from the final was high flyer Pama Davies. He ruled is early heats with his laconic laid back style that seems almost too easy at times. Add this style in with his aerial antics makes him one of the hottest young surfers in the country today. Last months man of the match Luke Musset came in a very well deserved second flying the flag for all the old guys trying to still contend the opens. Also in the final were Casper Ettelson who was surfing smother than a Sade song and big Garth Elliot who was laying rail all day.
And there we have it another action packed day on the hill. Once again the music pumped, the photos clicked and the video’s rolled. We have some huge givers to this club and my man of the match this month is split between Ben Davies and Tony Spannos. Ben has the unenviable task of dealing with all the heat draws and seems to head up the (un-appointed) complaints department. I saw him deal with some ridiculous issues last event so please think before you speak and complain. Ben is an ex president of the club and has a very young family of 4, he gives up his Sunday to help the day run smoothly. Tony, well Tony for just being himself. As mentioned he gives way more than he takes and has helped put Bondi back on the map as a serious but fun surfing club. Thanks Tony for all your energy!
A big thank you too all our sponsors……..
Bondi Boardriders is powered by the community for the community.
Ian Wallace